Song for Susan
Since I Met You
You Are Alive
Might as Well Have a Good Time
Marrakesh Express
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes
Long Time Gone
Hacha de guerra
Gente impresentable
¿Qué voy a hacer yo?
Haz turismo
Si no me veo no me creo
La senda del tiempo
There's None Of That
Church As Witness
Home In A Sentence
Now Drop Your Bombshell
Cowardly Custard
Cockle Shell
And The Racket They Made
You Never Can Tell (C'est la Vie)
Easy from Now On
If Anybody Had a Heart
Straight Line
After the Dolphin
Haven't We Lost Enough?
Live It Up
Yours and Mine
(Got to Keep) Open
House of Broken Dreams
Manifiesta deprimente
Voluntad pasiva
Flojos de Pantalón
Del pulmón
Nada especial
Bajo cuerda
The Sounds of Silence
Out of My Mind
Find The Cost Of Freedom
What Are Their Names?
After the Garden
Teach Your Children
TanyaRADA пишет:
- спасибо! От Души!!! ( Улыбаюсь...)все так!!!Liza пишет:
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