This is a note to my pops
This is a letter to Dad
Just want say I love you a lot
Thanks for all the time you could never get back
It made me a man cause I live with the realest
You gave up your music so I can hear mine
And look where it got me, they chantin' our name and they screamin' our lines
Drove me to all of those practices, games
Just me and you we’s the only white boys
Thought you was a cop ‘til they seen I had a shot
Then they like, «that's your pops?» Oh you look just like boy
Taught me this world don’t hold your hands, you gon' have to throw ‘em if you
And all this nervous shit you couldn’t relate to it but still made me feel like
I’d conquer
And I know you like to keep your emotions buried, I know you’re scared that
your time has passed
But you been drummin' in my rhymes, the percussion in each line is a function
of your time as Dad, this my Jazz
And I swear to God that the two of us gon' pay off these student,
plus before the Knicks stop makin' fools of us
But see to pay you back, I couldn’t do enough
So this one right here
This for da family, this for da family
This for da fam, this for da, this for da, this for da family
It’s all cause a y’all, cause a y’all, cause a y’all I did shit that I can’t
So this for da family, cause y’all made a man of me
So this for da fam, this for da, this for da, this for da family
Said this for da fam, this for da, this for da, this for da family
It’s all cause a y’all that I did some shit that I can’t believe
Cause y’all made a man of me, cause y’all made a man of me
This is a note to my moms
This is a letter to Christine
Just want say our love is still strong
Even though our record ain’t pristine
Cause you always there for me when I needed you
And you gon' always care for me I believe in you
Night, evening, day, Miss P.T.A
If we ain’t have a team, then you would make it
And you was there for me to answer all those texts when my anxiety I couldn’t
take it
And you taught me to relax a little
But you also taught me how to blaze a trail
Taught me how to make shit happen and I take no shit
If we gotta, we gon' raise some hell
And that’s us and I’m sorry that the house ain’t clean and my shoes everywhere,
that don’t mean I don’t love you
And I want you to know I don’t think I’m above you
I know you can’t always express yourself how you want to
But we all got flaws and I know me, myself, I got a bundle
But I’mma always be a son that try to pay you back, see that’s all I wan' do
And you said don’t get comfortable bein' uncomfortable, shit, and yo,
that was the truth
So I pushed myself out of the house and I’m not a recluse and shit,
that’s cause of you
And I know I’m hard on you, I complain a lot but yo, without you I wouldn’t be
And we both got quick tempers but it was your patience that help me beat fear
so thank you
This for da family, this for da family
This for da fam, this for da, this for da, this for da family
It’s all cause a y’all, cause a y’all, cause a y’all I did shit that I can’t
So this for da family, cause y’all made a man of me
So this for da fam, this for da, this for da, this for da family
Said this for da fam, this for da, this for da, this for da family
It’s all cause a y’all that I did some shit that I can’t believe
Cause y’all made a man of me, cause y’all made a man of me
This is a letter to Mia
This is a note to my sis
I don’t like hyperbole but feel like I don’t know if someone better exists
Lean on you so much it’s a miracle you haven’t toppled
And I know the world can look tough through those Marlons; my big-brother
And I know you lookin' for answers but I know you can do it all witcho eyes
And I know I talk about me all the time and I’m sorry I’m like that
It’s just you the only one really know me, everyone else around me feel really
You can tell me shut up, you don’t really owe me your ear but you never do fail
to loan me and I love you for that
I know you get nervous like I did and I didn’t want you feel that
All of them times when you was young and mom and dad was fightin',
I tried to run you from that
And I always tried to be like Parent #3
But the truth is that I’ve looked up to you since like 2013 and what you come
to be and how you love for free
I might be the most famous but you the best of us
I want you to take that as pressure cause life is ‘bout who you are and what
you do and you are great and you can do whatever you want and that shit ain’t
true for everyone but you, so you got it
And I know I like to play devil’s advocate but I’m your advocate ‘til I’m bodied
Love you
This for da family, this for da family
This for da fam, this for da, this for da, this for da family
It’s all cause a y’all, cause a y’all, cause a y’all I did shit that I can’t
So this for da family, cause y’all made a man of me
So this for da fam, this for da, this for da, this for da family
Said this for da fam, this for da, this for da, this for da family
It’s all cause a y’all that I did some shit that I can’t believe
Cause y’all made a man of me, cause y’all made a man of me