Tribal Vodoun
Alter Reality
Climate Controller
Unto Others
Suicide Nation
Into the Dead Sky
World of Lies
Under a Serpent Sun
Torn Apart
Opening of the Gates
Miss It
Ketchup Suicide
Potato Music Machine
McHuman Deluxe
Servants of the Gods
Powers That Be
The Obscure Terror
King of All Kings
Third Moon
Enshrined by Grace
Two Demons
The Victorious Reign
Behold Judas
Sons of Darkness
To Know Our Enemies
I Just Wanna Rock
Lunch Hall Food Brawl
Rigorous Vengeance
Headbanger Face Rip
The Art of Partying
Open Your Mind
Chemically Altered
The Inebriator
Sadistic Magician
Thrashing's My Business... And Business Is Good
A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Destroyer)
Beer Pressure
Radioactive Force
Born to Party
Septic Detonation
Mental Shock
Death to Jesus
Attack in the Aftermath
Psychological Warfare
TanyaRADA пишет:
- спасибо! От Души!!! ( Улыбаюсь...)все так!!!Liza пишет:
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